Reconnecting with Your Kids

I spent years searching for ways to bring our family closer because everyone seemed to be drifting away from the core family unit. Therefore, I began seeking answers to reconnecting with our children.  I started on a quest for ideas on how to do that as I parented our own two children. I began to read anything available on parenting, working parents, school aged kids and ways to improve my organizational skills.  I couldn’t seem to find anything that “fit.”

Then I started making things up to become more of a presence in our kids’ lives.  I created three easy, free, fun methods to turn things around. You will find them in my new book, Reconnecting with Your Kids.

Later, as a mom to my 13 fosters and one adopted child, I wanted to make sure they too grew up healthy, wealthy and wise. I used the same strategies that worked so well with my biological children.

Three simple, effective techniques for reconnecting with the children in your family. These suggestions don’t require parents to quit their jobs, or invest money, or set aside large amounts of time. The techniques were proven to improve parent-to-child and child-to-child relationships in a few weeks. Don’t feel like an inadequate parent any longer. The modest cost of this book will allow you to reap lasting benefits while having fun along the way.

 What others are saying:

Reconnecting with Your Kids is a must read especially for busy parents who want to know how to be better parents but just can’t seem to get a handle on life.  Claudia shares some valuable principles, without giving a bunch of rules to become “Parent of the Year.” These principles have worked not only with the many children to whom she has opened her heart and home, but also to the two amazing and talented children she has raised. (V.D. Carter, mother, grandmother)

These are practical ways of contributing to the self worth of children by helping them feel valued. It’s a wake up call to parents to realize how important their role is in validating their children’s self worth.  (Amazon reader)

Reconnecting with Your Kids contains information on how to implement three fun, free, easy steps to restore relationships with your children. Following the guidelines in this book will create memories that families will talk about for years to come. Pam Moretti, Author, My Love Response: Healing a Marriage (

Are you a single working mother craving ways to solidify your relationship with your children but not having time or money to do so? Reconnecting with Your Kids provides steps to do that which will fit in with your daily routine and, best of all, are fun and free. Pamelaia Sanders, Author, Confessions for the Heart: Daily Affirmations to Create the Life You Desire

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