Absent Minded Parents

No deep message here. Nothing that will change your world, unless you get comfort from knowing there are others all over the world who share your concern about being occasionally absent minded due to brain overload. And you like to laugh about it.

Busy parents have to really work at staying focused. Take just this morning at my house, for instance:

So it’s 9am, time to feed the cat. I get up from my office chair, and Pumpkin The Cat excitedly follows me into the kitchen…


Where I realize I don’t have a can of cat food in the fridge and go back into the office to get one – Pumpkin still excitedly following me…

Back to the kitchen and realize I neglected to bring her dish with me, so back into the office I go for the dish – Pumpkin The Cat still hopefully talking and keeping up with me…

In the kitchen the bottle of mouthwash catches my eye on the counter (like a shiny bauble to a baby).

I forgot to put it away yesterday after returning from the store and decide to put some in my daughter’s bathroom before putting the big bottle away. Pumpkin The Cat is a little less enthusiastic than she was earlier but still follows me into my daughter’s bathroom…

Where I notice her bar of face soap has disintegrated into 3 small pieces and decide to get her a new one…

Come out of her room and go to the pantry and search for face soap – cat came into the room but skipped the pantry trip, which is usually fun for her…

Went back to my daughter’s room, opened the soap and noticed the soap dish was, you know, ickky, even though it was just soap, so I carried it to the kitchen to wash it up – Pumpkin The Cat by now decided just to sit in the area where she can watch me come and go. She has stopped speaking to me…

Washed up the dish, took it back to my daughter’s bathroom, got squared away with the new soap. Went to the fridge to get out my protein drink – Pumpkin The Cat just watched me as I walked back into the office and sat down at the computer.

All of a sudden, she jumped on my lap and started talking to me in that irritated cat voice. You get it if you have a cat. Now I wonder what is going on with her and am a bit frustrated with her since I know she isn’t hungry because I just fed her breakfast…

Oh, yeah, now I remember.

Honestly, what is up with me today? I think I’ll just make a cup of coffee, use some of that pumpkin creamer, take about a half hour and get focused again. 

Oh, wait. I have to feed the cat…

_________ _________ _________

Busy parents have days where we feel good if we just get a couple things done through the day. It is great if our kids’ behaviors did not add to the focus problem we have occasionally. Kids also have days where they can’t seem to hold it together.

So what do we do?

How about a FREE call with a Certified Parent Coach to talk about what is going on that you and your kids want “fixed,” because we all know parenting isn’t for wimps. You are champions! Want to tackle the few remaining issues that seem difficult to change? Talk with me about the proven course “The Stress-free Parenting Project.

It’s easy. Schedule a time here.


Isaiah 26:3: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. KJV



Certified Parent Coach

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