Who Loves You?


Today my little girl said, “I love you–I just can’t stop saying I love you!”  I told her I loved her as well and wanted her to know it every minute of every day.  She reminds me of a sparkling jewel placed in my life by a loving hand.

Isn’t it fun when your young children overflow with love for you?  Can you think of anyone else in your life whose love is overflowing for you?  Wouldn’t it be amazing to identify someone who has that level of affection every minute of every day?

Who Really Loves You?

Someone does.  The One who created you has even more of an abundance of affection toward you than anyone can understand. You may not know Him or even believe in Him, but I assure you that He is the One who loves you so much He won’t stop trying to let you know.

It doesn’t matter who you are or what you have done, you are loved deeply.  Ask God to make Himself real to you today. Your job is to watch for His hand as He reaches down and stirs the waters of your life by providing sparkling moments in your day.

Parenting children is most successful when patterned after the way God our Father parents us – with abundant love.



Certified Parent Coach

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