5 Benefits of Creating a Life-Changing Self-Care Routine Self-care is simple. It’s all about tuning in to your needs – mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically – and doing things on purpose to take care of yourself. It’s about setting boundaries and putting YOU first. When was the last time you actually allowed yourself to slow […]

Little People 0

You know by now that we try to find the fun side of things as they happen in our homes to keep situations from escalating. To be even more specific, two things are especially helpful toward staying calm – because you know when mama is calm, it is easier to establish calm throughout the house. […]

Little People 0

Sunday Story from Lily:  To understand the setting, Lili and I were watching the Epic Kids segment online this morning from Heritage Church in Texas (heritageag.org), where my daughter and her family attend. The Children’s Pastor, Miss Becky, was sharing the story of Esther. When the story ended, Lily shot me a puzzled look. Me:  […]

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Would you prefer to watch a video instead of reading this post? CLICK HERE Is there such a thing as normal life during a crisis? Our children are home and our lives have been turned upside down! What? No play dates? No sleepovers? No movies? No restaurants? No parks? No day care? No hanging with […]

Little People 0

No deep message here. Nothing that will change your world, unless you get comfort from knowing there are others all over the world who share your concern about being occasionally absent minded due to brain overload. And you like to laugh about it. Busy parents have to really work at staying focused. Take just this […]

Little People 0

Take it from me. Parenting is an adventure full of peaks and valleys. Shopping need not always be a valley. When we talk about brave parents, we know that some of the bravest of parents are those shopping with kids. List making, shopping, finding the treasures on your list in the store – all these […]

Little People 0

The Annual Going-Back-to-School-chaos has hit. Part of my arsenal to calming the chaos is to look for the light moments…

Little People 0

Wait…we have woodchucks in the living room?  How did that happen? And what does it have to do with chores?

Little People 0

Fear – somethings my daughter Lily does can cause that and challenge my wisdom as a parent and my skills to become the solution. Lily: Remember the shiny silver jingle bell you let me hold? Me: Yes. Are you done with it? May I have it to put it away? Lily: Probably not. Me: Why […]

Little People 0

I think I got a reminder to listen to a child a little more often. Although eyes and bugs are rarely found in the same conversation, we did experience that combination the other day over the dinner table. That conversation with my daughter went like this: Lily: Mom? Me: Yes? Lily: I know why gnats […]

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